Interest ratesWorking with interest rates including their discount factor cousins |
InterestRate class |
Inherits from InterestRate |
Coerce to InterestRate |
Compounding frequencies |
DiscountFactor class |
Inherits from DiscountFactor |
Coerce to DiscountFactor |
CurrenciesCreating currencies |
Build a Currency |
Inherits from Currency |
Get ISO |
Currency pairsCreating and working with currency pairs |
CurrencyPair class |
Inherits from |
CurrencyPair methods |
Get ISO |
IndicesCreating and working with interest rate indices |
CashIndex class |
Index class checkers |
IborIndex class |
Index date shifters |
Get ISO |
MoneyCreating and working with different classes of money |
SingleCurrencyMoney |
Inherits from SingleCurrencyMoney |
MultiCurrencyMoney |
Inherits from MultiCurrencyMoney |
Create a CashFlow |
Inherits from CashFlow |
Zero curvesCreating and working with zero curves |
ZeroCurve class |
Inherits from ZeroCurve |
Interpolate a |
Interpolate zeros |
Interpolate forward rates and discount factors |
ZeroCurve attributes as a data frame |
Volatility surfacesCreating and working with volatility surfaces |
VolSurface class |
VolQuotes class |
Inherits from VolSurface |
Inherits from VolQuotes |
Interpolate a |
Interpolation schemesLight weight classes that define interpolation schemes |
Interpolation |
Check Interpolation class |
Canned basics objectsExamples of basic financial market objects |
Handy Currency constructors |
Handy CurrencyPair constructors |
Standard ONIA |
Standard IBOR |
Build a |
Build a |
Build a |