VolQuotes class is designed to capture volatility data. Checks that the inputs are of the correct type and stores the values in a tibble::tibble().

VolQuotes(maturity, smile, value, reference_date, type, ticker)



Date vector that captures the maturity pillar points.


numeric vector containing the values of the second dimension of the volatility surface. The elements of the vector can either contain the strikes, the moneyness or the delta. The input type is specified in type parameter. Must be the same length as maturity


numeric vector containing the values of the volatilities. Should typically be represented as a decimal value (e.g. 30% should be 0.3) and must be the same length as maturity


Date that captures the as of date. This is stored as an attribute to the tibble and can be extracted by calling attr(x, "reference_date")


string defining the second dimension of the VolSurface. The values accepted in type parameters are "strike", "delta" and "moneyness. This is stored as an attribute to the tibble and can be extracted by calling attr(x, "type")


string that represents the underlying asset. This is stored as an attribute to the tibble and can be extracted by calling attr(x, "ticker")


object of class VolQuotes

See also


pillars <- seq(as.Date("2019-04-26") + 1, by = "month", length.out = 3) VolQuotes( maturity = rep(pillars, 4), smile = rep(seq(10, 20, length.out = 4), each = 3), value = seq(1, 0.1, length.out = 12), reference_date = as.Date("2019-04-26"), type = "strike", ticker = "ABC.AX" )
#> # A tibble: 12 x 3 #> maturity smile value #> <date> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 2019-04-27 10 1 #> 2 2019-05-27 10 0.918 #> 3 2019-06-27 10 0.836 #> 4 2019-04-27 13.3 0.755 #> 5 2019-05-27 13.3 0.673 #> 6 2019-06-27 13.3 0.591 #> 7 2019-04-27 16.7 0.509 #> 8 2019-05-27 16.7 0.427 #> 9 2019-06-27 16.7 0.345 #> 10 2019-04-27 20 0.264 #> 11 2019-05-27 20 0.182 #> 12 2019-06-27 20 0.1