These functions create commonly used IBOR indices with standard market conventions.
AUDBBSW(tenor) AUDBBSW1b(tenor) EURIBOR(tenor) GBPLIBOR(tenor) JPYLIBOR(tenor) JPYTIBOR(tenor) NZDBKBM(tenor) USDLIBOR(tenor) CHFLIBOR(tenor) HKDHIBOR(tenor) NOKNIBOR(tenor)
tenor | the tenor of the IBOR index (e.g. |
The key conventions are tabulated below.
Creator | Spot lag (days) | Fixing calendars | Day basis | Day convention | EOM |
AUDBBSW() | 0 | AUSYCalendar | act/365 | ms | FALSE |
EURIBOR() | 2 | EUTACalendar | act/360 | mf | TRUE |
GBPLIBOR() | 0 | GBLOCalendar | act/365 | mf | TRUE |
JPYLIBOR() | 2 | GBLOCalendar | act/360 | mf | TRUE |
JPYTIBOR() | 2 | JPTOCalendar | act/365 | mf | FALSE |
NZDBKBM() | 0 | NZWECalendar, NZAUCalendar | act/365 | mf | FALSE |
USDLIBOR() | 2 | USNYCalendar, GBLOCalendar | act/360 | mf | TRUE |
CHFLIBOR() | 2 | GBLOCalendar | act/360 | mf | TRUE |
HKDHIBOR() | 0 | HKHKCalendar | act/365 | mf | FALSE |
NOKNIBOR() | 2 | NOOSCalendar | act/360 | mf | FALSE |
There are some nuances to this. Sub-1m LIBOR and TIBOR spot lags are zero days (excepting spot-next rates) and use the following day convention and the overnight USDLIBOR index uses both USNYCalendar and GBLOCalendar calendars.
BBSW EURIBOR ICE LIBOR BBA LIBOR TIBOR NZD BKBM OpenGamma Interest Rate Instruments and Market Conventions Guide HKD HIBOR
Other constructors: CurrencyConstructors